Jobs for Primary School Staff

This page only displays current and live vacancies.

This information is updated on a regular basis but may not show all our vacancies at all times.

Last update 30/4/23

Ethical Conduct: All positions are genuine vacancies
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We always need Primary Teachers and Support Staff across the key stages for a range of positions: full-time or part-time, day to day, short or long-term.

Teachers would hold QTS together with experience teaching in UK primary schools. ECTs are warmly welcomed and would have the opportunity to complete induction. Support staff would offer their experience supporting children in small groups or 1:1 basis.

We also need ancillary staff in our schools, such as kitchen staff, office and admin staff, cleaners and caretakers.

All teachers and support staff will be offered a range of free, certificated CPD.



Year 5 Teacher, near Borehamwood (001)

For the Summer Term. Full-time role with class responsibility

Reception Teacher, Stevenage (014)

Full-time role with class responsibility. Long term role with the potential for permanent. Experience necessary.

KS1 Teacher, Hoddesdon (020)

Full or part-time role to start after Easter. Long-term or permanent role.

LKS2 Teacher, Hoddesdon (021)

Full or part-time role to start after Easter. Long-term or permanent role.

LSA, Watford (004)

New SLD school opening. To start in the Summer Term. No experience necessary as training will be provided, but a passion for working with children with SEND is an absolute must. Full-time role.

L3 qualified EY TA, Harlow (010)

Part-time role (3 days a week). Immediate start.

LSA, Epping (011)

Immediate start to provide 1:1 to a child with ASD.

Caretaker, Harlow (022)

5 days a week. Split shift (7-11am and 3.15-6.15pm). To start asap.

Caretaker, Waltham Cross (023)

To start after Easter.

1:1 LSA, Hoddesdon (002)

To start in September. 1:1 LSA to support a child in Reception.

1:1 LSA, Baldock (001)

To start asap. 1:1 LSA to support a child in Reception. Part-time role (mornings and lunchtimes)